and he is willing to recognize the big ANIMA in her while at the same time denying the little anima within himself. As indicated at the start of this essay nothing valuable in nature was built except through the union of heaven and earth and with man only through the union of wisdom and beauty, thought and emotion, Animus and Anima (masculinity and feminity). This is the road to real psychological maturity and accomplishment. Thus the Animus- Anima intergration and balance is the fullest state of virtue, making men and women sons and daugh- ters of God. "When you make the two one.... and when you make the male and the female into a single one... then you shall enter the Kingdom". Now do you see the significance?
But what direct bearing does all this have on the TV? While I am not sure that it has anything to do with the initiation of the phenomena in the beginning, I am sure that it has much to do with the continuance. Regardless of the circumstances under which a male person learns about cross dressing, and regardless of any extraneous factors such as particular favoritism for above, corsets or what not, by the time he has progressed to the com- plete outfit and can see himself in the mirror as a woman he has begun to experience an integration of his Animus and Anima. He is becomming aware that existance does not require two opposite polarities fighting each other, but that there are two different aspects of life--two different points of view if you will both of which are necessary, neither of which is better, which together compliment each other and create a whole between them (rather than a hole). Collectively these two approaches make for a more completely integrated and functioning being provided--a few things. Provided first that the in- dividual rise above the culturally divided and short sight- ed mass opinion that promotes division rather than unity through condeming anything in males which has arbitrar- ily been awarded for females. It is the awareness of this and the lack of rising above it which is responsible for guilt feelings and none can really be happy and inte- grated while carrying around a load of guilt. Secondly, it requires what I have referred to before--wisdom, Mode- ration and Perspective. One cannot go off the deep end in this matter any more than in any other, especially since we all have responsibilities to others. Recognition